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We make sure we adhere to the latest health and safety standards and regulations

Health & Safety

Health and Safety legislation is a rapidly changing issue and Stonegrove Ltd considers all relevant legal issues and concerns on behalf of our clients.

Our Company has a full Health and Safety policy (copy available on request) which include:

Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations Act.1989

Refrigeration and air conditioning equipment with a total installed power exceeding 25kW has a mandatory requirement for written schemes of examination and Non Destructive Testing (NDT), together with regular appraisals. Stonegrove Ltd prepares written schemes and arranges NDT.

Leakages of Controlled Substances Act

We are fully conversant with the act and will ensure your organisations compliance.

BS4434 1995 (Refrigerants)

Certified Engineers

We are aware of the implications of this standard and ensure that our designs are within the guidelines. It is our priority to promote the most environmentally friendly solution. Our engineers are all certified for the “Safe Handling of Refrigerants”


All Stonegrove Ltd staff involved in the handling of hazardous substances are regularly trained and appraised.

Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations

This regulation is policed by the Health and Safety Executive. Minor projects fall within the qualifying parameters. Stonegrove Ltd is aware of the implications and have extensive experience of projects falling within the regulations.
